Resources in support of
equity and justice
We hope that everyone is staying healthy, safe, and strong during these extraordinary and unsettling times. Now, more than ever, is the time that we come together as a community to actively understand, discuss, and address the very issues surrounding our world and community today.
The list below has been generously shared with us by the student-led Harvard College Black Community Leaders and the boards of several Harvard College African & African American student groups.
SAS (link)
Black Visions Collective (link)
Reclaim the Block (link)
North Star Health Collective (link)
Louisville Bail Fund (link)
Minnesota Freedom Fund (Due to the initial flood of support, the MFF has asked that resources be sent to other organizations so when donating, consider prioritizing the above groups) (link)
The Harvard Undergraduate Council will be administering a fund for black solidarity donations and will MATCH up to the first $5,000 (link)
Petitions to Sign
Anti-racist Literature